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QR-Codes win, mostly.


Triest Transport


Monday 7 September 2009

Can You .Tel?: Register Your Dot Tel Today!

Its fun, its cheap, its got the best service: 1awww.com - My Internet Service Provider.

Tell me more about .tel

.tel domains are designed to compliment your existing website. By linking the two you can improve your position on search engines like Google.

You can also incorporate .tel technology into your existing website using a free integration tool provided by Telnic. Away from the web you can also save money on areas like stationery by giving your customers a single, easy to remember, contact address which you know will always have up-to-date information readily available.

Beyond your company's web site or your own personal blog, having a .tel domain name and related content enables you to not only be found, but lets you create a virtual address book where you can story a variety of contact and content information that helps you define and expand your presence on the social web and be found.

As you expand your presence on various web based platforms, this is not just a calling card; it's a way to illustrate that you really get the principle of the long tail.

How does it work?

.tel internet addresses are ordered in a similar way to normal domain names but unlike those domains, .tel is not designed to be used with a standard website or create email addresses, instead your new address will be automatically associated with your ".tel homepage".

The hosting of your .tel homepage is free with the domain registration and you don't need any technical skills to manage your page.

To register your dot tel, simply click on the .tel button, top right.

Easy to Use

Your domain will be purchased from and supported by 1aWWW.com but you will also receive a separate set of log in details for the .tel portal (managed by Telnic).

Using your .tel is also very easy. Simply login to your .tel control panel and update your details anytime, from anywhere, as often as you wish. You can also update your .tel from your iPhone or Blackberry using free downloads.

Günstige Preise, hohe Leistung und Super-Performance:

Alle Webspace und Server verfügen über eine hohe Leistung und Super-Performance und verfügen über eine hohe Datensicherheit, durch Raid-Systeme, automatische Server-Backups und durch unserer 3 Phasen-Backup-Konzept .
Domain-Registrierung in Echtzeit:

Die meisten Domains, können Sie über 1awww.com in Echtzeit registrieren . Oft vergehen nur wenige Minuten, nach Ihrer Bestellung, bis zur Registrierung und Freischaltung Ihrer Domain. Über das optionale und kostenlose Haupt-Administrations-Interface , können Sie online Ihre Domain- und DNS-Einstellungen selbst vornehmen, die direkt nach Ihrer Änderung an die Nameserver übertragen werden.

Alle Preisangagen incl. 16 % IVA (MwSt/VAT). Sofern Einrichtungsgebühren anfallen, werden diese im jeweiligen verlinkten Angebot angegeben! Es entfallen keine Versandkosten!

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