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Triest Transport


Monday 23 August 2010

Dot Tel Domains – A Green Technology

What is a Green Technology? It is technology that minimizes the impact of humans on the environment.

Traditional directories such as the White Pages and the Yellow Pages, although they have a web presence now, produce contact directories that use up enormous numbers of trees. These trees, of course, are used to make paper for phone books.

These books are usually thrown away after just one year and the whole tree cutting process starts again.

A Dot Org website called ‘Ban the Phone Book’ estimates that 5 million trees are cut down every year to make them. This is a stunning number of trees. This website has been covered in major US Newspapers such as the NY Times.

Although tree felling provides jobs it severely damages the environment even if the forests are so-called renewable. Waterways, wildlife, and ecosystems are affected badly.

This problem with paper directories is solved by the Dot Tel Domain. There is no paper in a Dot Tel Domain. There are no phone books. If you want to look up something you open your web browser, and enter the directory’s address, and you are there.

Any device with an internet connection can find a Dot Tel Domain. This includes web enabled mobile phones, and PCs.

Dot Tel Directories can be for products, people, businesses, or anything else that has contact information. Another major issue is that anything that updating a Dot Tel is nearly instantaneous.

With a phone book you don’t get updated until the following year when the new one comes out, although the companies now have website presences as well.

There are technical reasons why the traditional phone directory companies operating on Dot Coms or top level domain country extensions can not compete with a Dot Tel. These are to do with the location of the data. A full explanation is beyond the scope of this article.

With the internet continuing to grow in use we can hope that this Green Technology grows with it, and that eventually no trees are cut down to make phone books.

For more FREE information please see Dot Tel Domains Blog.

To see this technology online please go to this Squidoo Page and follow the links

Tags: Domain Country, Dot Coms, Dot Org, Ecosystems, Enormous Numbers, Forests, Green Technology, Internet Connection, Ny Times, Paper Directories, Phone Book, Phone Books, Phone Directory, Presences, Stunning Number, Top Level Domain, Traditional Directories, Waterways, Web Presence, White Pages



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